Getting a Handle on Your Income and Business Taxes Through Bankruptcy While Your Business Forges Ahead
Could your small business survive and even thrive if you could just get better terms for payment of your back tax debts?
Could your small business survive and even thrive if you could just get better terms for payment of your back tax debts?
Homeowners who lost their homes to foreclosure may need to commit perjury to get restitution payments through the settlement. That would be the deepest kind of insult on injury.
What qualifies you to receive the $1,500 to $2,000 restitution payment for losing your home to foreclosure? More clues have just become available.
When a small business fails, its owner or employee is sometimes accused of causing or hastening that failure through fraud or other intentional bad behavior. If that person is already considering filing a bankruptcy to deal with the financial fallout of the closing of the business, how are those accusations going to be handled in that bankruptcy case?